ONYX Pre-Commissioning offers a broad range of services to handle your pre-operational needs. Our exclusive technologies and chemical formulas guarantee cleaner, faster, more efficient precommissioning solutions. From near-sonic-velocity steamblowing techniques available through QuietBlowSM, AquaFlushSM and MicroFlushSM, to environmentally safe detergents and solvents like SafeSolSM, we offer exclusively patented capabilities and technologies to address and answer your precommissioning needs. These methods reduce onsite hazards and minimize risks of site contamination by careful extraction and disposal of waste materials |
Quiet Blow |
You wouldn't guess our powerful, continuous-blow, variable-condition steam solution runs at guaranteed velocities close to sonic. Thanks to our patented silencing system, QuietBlow operates at noise levels within 75 db at 100 feet. |
Microflush |
This detailed procedure fluidizes oil piping particulate at full turbulent velocities for maximum microfiltration. To guarantee the highest level of cleanliness, we perform onsite electronic analyses of all particulate and have an independent laboratory make additional analyses for confirmation. |
Aquaflush |
We offer this unique process to fluidize particulate from process water systems and petroleum product piping anywhere in the world, at a moments notice. |
Chemical Cleaning |
Our exclusive SafeSol technology removes oil, greases and preservatives from pre-operational boilers and piping systems safely and effectively. This single stage cleaning solution eliminates high disposal costs and reduces accident risk. |

Contact us to learn how your operation can benefit from ONYX
services. |